Thursday 11 July 2013

Alloy Framework - Use Preloaded Sqlite Database

Most of time you may need to use the preloaded db in your application.

We are going to see How to use preloaded SQLite Database in Alloy framework in titanium.

Download the source code from git repository  AlloySqlitedb

1. Open the Titanium Studio  (I am using 3.1.1)
2. create New Alloy Mobile Project  (refer the Link for creating New Alloy Project)
3. Put your sqlite database file into app/assets folder. (I am using myapp.sqlite)
4.create collections object in alloy.js file.

Alloy.Collections.fighters = Alloy.createCollection('fighters');

5.create model file "fighters.js" in app/model directory.

exports.definition = {
    "db_file": "/myapp.sqlite",
    "db_name": "fighters",
    "idAttribute": "id",

6.Modify index.xml file in app/views/ directory - create Table View.



7. Create controller index.js file in app/controller directory

var fighters = Alloy.Collections.fighters;
var counter = 1;

function showId(e) {
 if (e.row.model) {
  var detailObj=fighters.get(e.row.model);
  var win=Alloy.createController('detail',{"$model":detailObj});

function addTestFighter(e) {
 // create the test fighter model
 var model = Alloy.createModel('fighters', {
  name: 'Name ' + counter,
  nickname: 'Nickname ' + counter

 // add model to the collection and save it to sqlite

 // let's refresh so we can see the ids coming from the 
 // autoincrement field in the sqlite database in the 
 // row click alerts



8. Create layout for row.xml in app/views directory



9. Create controller row.js in app/controller directory

// Attach the bound model ($model) to the row so 
// we can access it in a click event.
if ($model) {
 $.row.model = $model.toJSON();

10. Create layout for for detail.xml in app/views directory



11. Create controller detail.js in app/controller directory.

var args=arguments[0]||{};
if(args.$model){'model ='+JSON.stringify(args.$model));
 var dataJson=args.$model.toJSON();
 alert('data not passed');

12. Finally add the styles to your layouts in app/styles

a. index.tss

"Window": {
 backgroundColor: '#fff',
 navBarHidden: true,
 exitOnClose: true

"#title": {
 top: 0,
 height: '50dp',
 width: Ti.UI.FILL,
 color: '#fff',
 backgroundColor: '#a00',
 font: {
  fontSize: '36dp',
  fontWeight: 'bold'
 textAlign: 'center'

"#table": {
 top: '50dp',
 bottom: 0


"#row": {
 height: '60dp',
 backgroundColor: '#fff'

"Label": {
 height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
 width: Ti.UI.SIZE

"#name": {
 top: '7dp',
 left: '7dp',
 font: {
  fontSize: '24dp',
  fontWeight: 'bold'

"#nickname": {
 bottom: '7dp',
 left: '14dp',
 font: {
  fontSize: '16dp',
  fonWeight: 'normal'

c. detail.tss

"Window": {
 backgroundColor: '#fff',
 navBarHidden: true
"#name": {
 top: '10dp',
 font: {
  fontSize: '24dp',
  fontWeight: 'bold'

"#nickname": {
 top: '10dp',
 font: {
  fontSize: '16dp',
  fonWeight: 'normal'

13. Here we go and run the project.


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