I am creating simple application for fetching JSON data from REST API and display the data to Table View.
You can download the source code from json2tableview repository
1. Create simple alloy Project
2. Modify index.xml
I am creating simple application for fetching JSON data from REST API and display the data to Table View.
You can download the source code from json2tableview repository
1. Create simple alloy Project
2. Modify index.xml
3. Modify index.js
function openDetail(e) { alert('row index = ' + JSON.stringify(e.index)); //Ti.API.info('row rowData = ' + JSON.stringify(e.rowData)); //Ti.API.info('row index = ' + JSON.stringify(e..index)); } var data = []; var sendit = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({ onerror : function(e) { Ti.API.debug(e.error); alert('There was an error during the connection'); }, timeout : 1000, }); // Here you have to change it for your local ip sendit.open('GET', 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?types=hospital&location=13.01883,80.266113&radius=1000&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyDStAQQtoqnewuLdFwiT-FO0vtkeVx8Sks'); sendit.send(); // Function to be called upon a successful response sendit.onload = function() { var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText); // var json = json.todo; // if the database is empty show an alert if (json.length == 0) { $.table.headerTitle = "The database row is empty"; } // Emptying the data to refresh the view // Insert the JSON data to the table view var countries = json.results; for ( var i = 0, iLen = countries.length; i < iLen; i++) { data.push(Alloy.createController('row', { icon : countries[i].icon, name : countries[i].name }).getView()); // data.push(row); Ti.API.info(countries[i].icon); Ti.API.info(countries[i].name); } $.table.setData(data); }; $.index.open();4. Create Alloy Controller row (it create row.xml, row.js, row.tss) 5. Modify row.xml
6. Modify row.js>
var args = arguments[0] || {}; $.icon.image = args.icon; $.catID.text = ar7. Add styles to tss files index.tss
"Window":{ backgroundColor :"#FFF", exitOnClose:true, navBarHidden:true }
"#icon":{ left:0, height:50, width:50 } "TableViewRow":{ layout:"horizontal" } "Label":{ color:'#000', font:{ fontFamily:"Ariel", fontSize:'20dp', fontWeight:'bold' } }
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