Hi Friends,
I am busy with my work. Here I am going to write post about "Migration".
What is Migration?
A migration is a description of incremental changes to a database, which takes your database from version 1 to version X, with a migration file for each step in the evolution of your database schema. This is helpful to keep different versions of a database in sync. For example, when version 7 of your application is deployed, migrations are able to successfully update the database from versions 1 through 6.
Where I put migration files in my Titanium project?
In Alloy, migrations are defined by JavaScript files located in the app/migrations folder of the project.
Is there is any naming conversion require for migration files?
Yes, The file should be named the same as the model JavaScript file prefixed with 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss_' (datetime code followed by an underscore), for example, 20120610049877_movies.js(**your model file name should be movies.js). Alloy applies the migrations from oldest to newest, according to the datetime code at the beginning of the file name.
What are the functions used in migration files for upgrade my db?
The migration file contains two functions that need to be implemented : migration.up(migrator) and migration.down(migrator), where migrator is a special migration object that provides references to the database and table as well as some convenient functions for table operations (see table below). The migration.up function upgrades the database from the previous version, while the migration.down function rolls back the changes to the previous version.
Is migration supports all type of adapters?
Currently, migrations are only used with the sql sync adapter.
Example Project:
In this tutorial i am creating simple project you can download source code from following github repository. AlloyMigrationExample
1. Create simple Alloy project
2. Put you preloaded sqlite db file into asset folder.
3. My sqlite db name is "sampledb.sqlite" and the db has "user_accounts" table with some preloaded data
We are going to add migration files for add a new table "movies" and insert the preloaded data.
4. In Titanium Studio, Right click on the project --> New --> Alloy Migration -->Enter your migration table name. (No need to add timedate , Titanium Studio add this for you). In this example we enter "movies". Now you can see migration file in app/migrations/20130812093432_movies.js. (Timedate string will be different ignore it. You can edit timedate string as per your need).
5. Open the 20130812093432_movies.js. file and you can see two function called migration.up and migration.down. Modify code as follow,
6. migrator.createTable() function
8. Create model file for movies
Now you can use this model same as other models used in Alloy. You can download working example from github. Download full working example source code from AlloyMigrationExample
I am busy with my work. Here I am going to write post about "Migration".
What is Migration?
A migration is a description of incremental changes to a database, which takes your database from version 1 to version X, with a migration file for each step in the evolution of your database schema. This is helpful to keep different versions of a database in sync. For example, when version 7 of your application is deployed, migrations are able to successfully update the database from versions 1 through 6.
Where I put migration files in my Titanium project?
In Alloy, migrations are defined by JavaScript files located in the app/migrations folder of the project.
Is there is any naming conversion require for migration files?
Yes, The file should be named the same as the model JavaScript file prefixed with 'YYYYMMDDHHmmss_' (datetime code followed by an underscore), for example, 20120610049877_movies.js(**your model file name should be movies.js). Alloy applies the migrations from oldest to newest, according to the datetime code at the beginning of the file name.
What are the functions used in migration files for upgrade my db?
The migration file contains two functions that need to be implemented : migration.up(migrator) and migration.down(migrator), where migrator is a special migration object that provides references to the database and table as well as some convenient functions for table operations (see table below). The migration.up function upgrades the database from the previous version, while the migration.down function rolls back the changes to the previous version.
Is migration supports all type of adapters?
Currently, migrations are only used with the sql sync adapter.
Example Project:
In this tutorial i am creating simple project you can download source code from following github repository. AlloyMigrationExample
1. Create simple Alloy project
2. Put you preloaded sqlite db file into asset folder.
3. My sqlite db name is "sampledb.sqlite" and the db has "user_accounts" table with some preloaded data
We are going to add migration files for add a new table "movies" and insert the preloaded data.
4. In Titanium Studio, Right click on the project --> New --> Alloy Migration -->Enter your migration table name. (No need to add timedate , Titanium Studio add this for you). In this example we enter "movies". Now you can see migration file in app/migrations/20130812093432_movies.js. (Timedate string will be different ignore it. You can edit timedate string as per your need).
5. Open the 20130812093432_movies.js. file and you can see two function called migration.up and migration.down. Modify code as follow,
migration.up = function(migrator) { migrator.createTable({ columns: { id: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', title: 'TEXT', subtitle: 'TEXT', image: 'TEXT' } }); }; migration.down = function(migrator) { migrator.dropTable("movies"); };
6. migrator.createTable() function
- This method used to create table at run time and added into database.
- columns: In this field you can define your table columns with type.
7. Create Another migrator file for insert the preloaded data in movies table.
- Repeat the Step 4. (Exactly same). Finally you get new migrator file with different time date string.
- Which means older get executed first.
- we get 201308120941308_movies.js , new migration file open this file and modify it.
var products = []; for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { if (i%7 === 0) { products.push({ title: 'This is the title', subtitle: 'This is the slightly more verbose subtitle', image: i%2 ? '/appc.png' : '/alloy.png' }); } else if (i%2) { products.push({ title: 'This is the title with subtitle', subtitle: 'This is the slightly more verbose subtitle' }); } else { products.push({ title: 'This is the lonely title' }); } } migration.up = function(migrator) { for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { migrator.insertRow(products[i]); } }; migration.down = function(migrator) { for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { migrator.deleteRow(products[i]); } };
8. Create model file for movies
- Right click on project --> New --> Alloy Model --> Enter Model Name "movies"
- Modify the app/Model/movies.js
exports.definition = { config: { columns: { id: 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', title: 'TEXT', subtitle: 'TEXT', image: 'TEXT' }, adapter: { type: "sql", collection_name: "movies", idAttribute: 'id', } } };
Now you can use this model same as other models used in Alloy. You can download working example from github. Download full working example source code from AlloyMigrationExample
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